Saturday, March 24, 2012

Maximum Penalty

The muted walls of this cell leaves  an
indelible grime of paranoia... It stings.
Stinging like an endless chirp blended 
with the thought of halting the pattern
of inhale exhale. Bright blue is only the
rainbow in sight and never did a lullaby
of the golden bell resonated the cold 
ground. Those hot bars are frying the 
bitter salt I once enjoyed. It bubbled.
Momentarily, I glimpsed at my vibrating
reflection. Those big round eyes, it mirrored
the squinting eyelids of my little Dante.
Oh, my poor tiny Dante. Heavy barrage
of red and dark brown robes imply....
that you're not meant to be here with
me. With me, in my pouched arms.
Steel blankets would suffocate your fragile 
spine, just like how many saints behave 
badly with crimson tempt. Tough call.
Fistic kisses, sweet curses, dry-iced tears
streaming.....smoking. Your curling fingers
tastes like burning cotton while I laughed.
No, I will not beg. The piercing echoes
of my feet will reign over the sobs.
Gripping faint chances, bushy eyebrows
signalled the pull of the tug.
Strongly daunted refusal drawn wispy
runaway of sanity. That was two
nights ago. Throbs bargain with the
stomping keys, they will never twitch
with pity. How can the crooked cement
eat my nails? Hair strands embraced my
chipped legs, pinned and thorned. The
shadows dancing around squirted
blood with blue sweats.
They again bubbled.
They popped like nine flashbacks.
And thereupon, I folded the knife
I used to lick.

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